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Polluting objects and activities

We study for you objects and activities of everyday life.
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Diffuser of essential oils : A fine particle plant?

Part 1 :

The essential oil diffuser is an object that we find more and more in our daily life. Sold for "clean up" the air, fight against diseases or even offer a pleasant smell, what about this device that has become fashionable?

The essential oil introduced into the diffuser, we put all this into operation. The place of the test is a room of 20 m2, theAirVisual Pro being arranged near the diffuser, at a height to facilitate the diffusion of essential oils in the room.
After only a few seconds of diffusion, our measuring device indicates a very high level of fine particles, around the 1800 μg / m3 PM2.5. As a reminder, the World Health Organization (WHO) sets a value of 25 μg / m3 24h average.
In view of the result, the study will stop there. In order to clean up our room more quickly due to the high level of fine particles present in our room, we use a professional air purifier, fitted with an H13 efficiency air filter , finding a much more acceptable rate after only 10 minutes of action.

Observation: without appeal, our essential oil diffuser emits (far) too many fine particles.

For your health, we strongly recommend the use of this type of device:
  • without reading this entire article,
  • without opening windows / doors when the appliance is in operation,
  • in the presence of children or "sensitive" people,
  • over a long operating time
  • without having read the instructions for the device and the manufacturer's recommendations

In a future publication, we will study the possible gases that an essential oil diffuser can generate, all accompanied by a test video.

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